Do You Have a Solid Foundation?

In the whirlwind of modern life, we've all been there—caught in the frustrating loop of feeling like we are absolutely giving it our all with our health, yet not seeing the changes we so desperately crave. The morning walks, going to the gym, the salads for lunch, eating more mindfully and chewing our food, the hopeful steps toward a healthier lifestyle... and yet, the symptoms remain, we still feel unwell and/or the mirror and the scale seem to stubbornly stand still. 

We've whispered those all-too-familiar lines to ourselves:

"I'm doing everything right, so why isn't anything changing?" 


"I've made so many changes, shouldn't I feel or look different by now?"

You're not alone in these thoughts. In fact, they're the echoes of countless health journeys—the silent battles waged between your determination and your impatient desire for visible results. We're humans, after all. We're wired for instant gratification, for quick fixes that promise transformation in the blink of an eye.

But here's the truth that often evades our impatient hearts: lasting change, the kind that seeps into the core of our well-being, doesn't happen overnight. It's a gradual symphony of habits, a rhythm composed of daily choices, and the notes take time to resonate. We're tempted to seek the dramatic, the extreme, the novel; the notion that surely, the magic lies in the uncharted territories. Yet, in this quest for the extraordinary, we risk neglecting the foundations—those steady, sometimes mundane or even boring, yet profoundly impactful elements that lay the groundwork for our wellness journey.

Imagine, for a moment, a grand architectural marvel soaring into the sky. Its breathtaking exterior, the fruit of intricate design, captures our attention. But beneath the surface, its strength is drawn from a solid foundation, invisible to the eye, yet undeniably crucial.

Your Personal Accountability Check-In

Consider this article your personal accountability mirror, a checklist of sorts, a reflection of your journey so far. It's an opportunity to pause and examine whether you're truly embracing the fundamentals before chasing after the minor intricacies or the more advanced strategies. The journey to well-being is often paved with the every day, the ordinary—a fact that's both comforting and challenging. The habits that yield the most remarkable transformations often lack the glamour of novelty. They're not the dazzling fireworks; they're the steady, burning flames that warm your path.

I think of this list as your reality check, but not the finger-wagging kind. Think of it as your 'Okay, you ate the cookie; now let's talk about how it fits into your overall day' moment or 'Fine, you haven't made time to get in daily steps or any planned movement; let's work on changing that in a way that fits in with life, right now'.

So, if you find yourself unable to check off every box in this accountability checklist, take heart, be kind to yourself and keep an open mind and a growth mindset. Remember that change, especially meaningful change, isn't about a sudden leap but a series of purposeful steps. Start with one element, one shift. Be gentle with yourself, as you would with a dear friend. 

Acknowledge that transformation is a tapestry woven from the threads of consistency, determination, and compassion. It's about nurturing the ordinary moments until they become extraordinary–until they become you.

Remember, this is not a journey of quick fixes but of profound, lasting change.

Building a Solid Foundation

Now, if you were building a house, you wouldn't start with the roof, would you? (If you said 'yes,' we need to talk!) Let's get into the nuts and bolts—or should I say, fruits and veggies—of building a rock-solid foundation.

  1. Nourishing Yourself Intentionally:

    • You are prioritizing nutrient-dense, whole food forward, balanced meals (A.K.A. what I call PARTY Plates) at most/all of your meals and eating at your maintenance calories.

    • You can learn more about eating at your maintenance calories and proper nourishment for your individual needs inside of Empowered Nourishment but let’s cover some simple basics here:

      • Protein: Incorporate protein into every meal and snack, at least 3 servings per day, or at least 100 grams per day. if you have body composition goals this likely needs to be higher.

      • Some Healthy Fats: Include sources like olive oil, avocados, fatty fish, nuts, etc. at lean meals that do not contain fat with protein. It is recommended to eat a minimum of 55-60g of fat per day to avoid hormone disruptions.

      • Complex Carbohydrates: Starchy roots and fruits and fiber-rich foods like beans or whole grains. You need adequate carbs every day, Most active individuals need a minimum of 130g of carbs per day. Lots of variation for individuals here based on activity levels.

      • Vegetables: Shoot for a minimum of 3-4 servings per day. 

      • Fruits: 1-2 servings per day

      • Fiber: ~25 - 35 grams per day

      • Limit ultra-processed foods: high-calorie, high-sugar, high-fat, and overly-processed foods. Make space for some fun/pleasure foods each week (you might try the 80:20 rule).

    • Please note: If you are hoping to achieve body composition changes via fat loss, you NEED to be in an appropriate caloric deficit, you will NOT achieve weight loss without a calorie deficit. You do not need to track to create a deficit but it can help to determine what a deficit looks like for you. If you are not sure how to do this, please consider 1:1 compassionate fat loss coaching, you can learn more and apply here. If you have made changes to your nutrition and feel you should be seeing weight loss but are not, you are likely not actually in enough of a caloric deficit, some self-monitoring may be warranted to assess what you are actually doing and identify areas of change if this is an important enough goal to you. Please consider 1:1 coaching if you need personalized support with these goals.

  2. Prioritize Sleep:

    • Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night.

    • Recognize individual variations; some may thrive with 6 hours others might need 10, but most need 7-9 hours.

  3. Hydration:

    • Stay hydrated by drinking an adequate amount of water daily. A minimum of 60 oz per day - you likely need more than this. (Over-hydration is a thing; you likely do not need more than 100oz per day.)

  4. Physical Activity:

    • Daily walking! Aim for at least 5,000 steps per day to promote movement, 7,000+ if you are able, and have fat loss goals.

    • Engage in strength or resistance training at least 2 or 3 times per week (full body, ideally 4x if doing splits upper / lower).

    • Aerobic exercise / cardio, minimum 1 to 2 times per week, 30 minutes or more at medium intensity.

    • Adequate daily general physical activity or NEAT (Non-exercise activity thermogenesis) - working while standing, moving more through the day, gardening or yardwork, cleaning the house

  5. Daily De-stressing Practices:

    • Space to calm your nervous system and close the stress cycle, at least 5 minutes per day

    • Breathwork, journaling, meditation, time in nature, joyful play, creative projects

  6. Alcohol Moderation:

    • Limit alcohol consumption (2 drinks per week or less), avoidance is best.

As you hold this checklist of foundational habits, envision it as the cornerstone of your journey toward lasting change. These are more than just actions; they're the bedrock of transformation you're building, a testament to your dedication.

Remember, this path you're treading isn't about instant results, but the steady rhythm of progress. Embrace each step as a victory, each choice as a triumph. It's not just the end goal that matters; it's the journey you're weaving.

Amid the challenges and triumphs, keep this checklist as a gentle nudge, a reminder of your commitment to your foundation. Even on days when results seem distant, trust that beneath the surface, change is unfolding.

Your foundation is solid, and every choice you make adds another layer to your story. It's a story of growth, resilience, and self-care—a tale you're crafting, one chapter at a time.

Here's to your journey and the extraordinary transformation you're nurturing, day by day, brick by brick.

Note on Personal Adaptation:

While this checklist serves as a foundational guide for anyone looking to embrace a more intentional approach to their health and wellness, it's crucial to remember that one size does not fit all. You may have specific dietary restrictions, underlying health conditions or injuries, or cultural considerations that necessitate a tailored approach. The beauty of personal accountability is the freedom to make these guidelines your own—so go ahead, adapt them to fit your unique life and circumstances. After all, you're the one wearing the proverbial 'chef's hat' in the kitchen of your own wellbeing.

Common Reasons Why You May Not Be Seeing Results:

Okay, it's time for some tough love. You might not be seeing the results you want because you're not as 'on it' as you think. Kind of like thinking you're a MasterChef because you can make a mean bowl of cereal. Let's dive into some common roadblocks.

Please note that this isn't just about body composition or weight; this is changes in your gut health and digestion, improvements in your energy, gains in the gym, more balanced hormones, fewer headaches, etc.)

  • Mindless Grazing and Snacking: Constant mindless grazing, snacking, tasting, and nibbling throughout the day can add up quickly. This is often common with individuals who undereat at meals or poorly plan their nourishment and find themselves ravenous outside of meals. These seemingly harmless bites and chaotic eating patterns might be undermining your efforts by contributing to excessive calorie intake you aren't accounting for and disrupting your meal rhythm and your hunger cues. 

  • Inconsistent Efforts: Your progress might be hindered by inconsistency. Fluctuating commitment to these foundational habits can slow down the momentum you're building, preventing the full potential of positive changes to take root and flourish. If you are very all-or-nothing with these habits, it's going to be hard to see changes

  • Sleep Deprivation and Cravings: Prioritizing sleep is crucial. Sleep deprivation can amplify cravings, distort hunger cues, and dampen your motivation to exercise. A well-rested foundation supports not only your body but also your goals and aspirations.

  • Lack of Preparation and Planning Ahead; Meal Planning, Batch Prepping, Pre-planning your days of eating, etc: Flying by the seat of your pants when it comes to meals can lead to hasty decisions and less balanced choices. The constant in-the-moment decisions can lead to decision fatigue, which can impact our self-control. Without a plan, you're more likely to opt for convenience over nourishment, and instant gratification choices often win out.

  • Unbalanced Meals: While indulging in simple carbs and fats can be satisfying, neglecting adequate protein and fiber can leave you feeling unsatisfied and sluggish. Balanced meals are the cornerstone of sustained energy and vitality.

  • Fruit and Vegetable Intake: Fruits and vegetables provide essential nutrients that fuel your body's functions. Neglecting these nutrient powerhouses might be holding back your progress.

  • Weekend Calorie Intake: Overindulging in alcoholic beverages and high-calorie foods over the weekend can negate the progress you've made during the week. Be mindful of your choices and find a balance that works for you. If you are feeling particularly restricted during the week, leading to rebellion on the weekends, you might need to adjust your week day habits.

  • Weekend Habits Impact: Treating weekends as "off days" can disrupt your consistency. Neglecting healthy habits on weekends can erase the deficit you've created during the week, leading to slower progress overall.

  • Lack of Self-Monitoring: If you're not interested in tracking your food intake or tuning into your body's biofeedback in any way then you might be operating in the dark. Awareness is key to understanding your habits, identifying gaps, and recognizing where your attention is needed. Without this awareness, progress can be hindered by a lack of insight into your own actions and needs.

  • Carb Sources Matter: The quality of your carbohydrate sources matters. Relying nearly exclusively on simple, processed, sugar-heavy sources rather than whole food, fiber-rich options can affect your energy levels, blood sugar balance, and overall well-being.

  • Environmental Influence: Recognize that your environment can either support or hinder your efforts. Social gatherings, work environments, and external influences can impact your ability to adhere to healthy habits.

  • Stress Management: High stress levels can sabotage your progress. Neglecting to manage stress can lead to emotional overeating and unbalanced meals. Prioritize calming practices to nourish your mind and body.

Each of these factors can play a significant role in your journey towards a stronger nutritional foundation. By identifying and addressing these challenges, you're taking active steps toward creating a more balanced and sustainable approach to your health and wellness.

If you're seeking personalized guidance and compassionate 1:1 nutritional therapy coaching, I'm here to help. My approach is tailored to your unique needs, focusing on developing sustainable habits and a supportive, compassionate, and balanced mindset around food and body image. If you are looking to dive deeper into possible root causes for systemic dysregulation, dysfunction or fat loss resistance, I have access to and I am trained to interpret functional lab testing, including comprehensive blood panels, hormone testing, adrenal / cortisol testing, stool testing and more. To learn more and start your journey towards a healthier, more balanced life, visit our application page and let's connect.


Navigating Through Bad Body Image Days: A Guide to Self-Compassion and Awareness